Why Are People Such Wimps Today…There Was A Time When People were Resilient Through Wars, Persecution, Famine, Etc
There was a time before the western world was full of prepackaged chemically processed non-nutrient food and psychotropic mind-altering medications given as candy were the norm when people were resilient. Many moved countries to get their freedoms with only a few bucks, without knowing the language, and only the clothes on their back. They began new lives and many of them created decent lives for themselves and their families.
These days, we have ‘identity politics’ in the universities where kids are so babied that the idea of having someone say something that may make one think deeper than their preconceived notions may hurt their feelings so is no longer allowed. How is anyone going to learn how to critically think if they are forced to see other perspectives — other ways of seeing various situations. Finding out that there are other viewpoints some of which they may agree with once the argument is made?
I get so many questions from Quorans asking about what to do if a therapist doesn’t do whatever, or if a therapist does whatever, without ever thinking about the fact that there are reasons for therapists to do what they do based on their training, and then there are therapists who never should have been licensed because they have never dealt with their own issues causing more harm than good. These therapists need to be fired and a better one is found because it is the patient that pays the therapist, so it is up to the patient to make that call.
You are the only person in your life that can make the decision to own your own life. To do that you need to be in control of your emotions meaning being able to think with your brain, and take the actions necessary to do those things that fulfill you and bring you joy regardless of the endless lies that come from mass media every day. One has to look at who is advertising there to understand why it is that these companies get away with their lies — because without their advertising there is no money to put on the shows including the editorialized news (meaning opinion only because there are no longer facts given in the news — not really) because the advertising would be taken away.
So, what are you going to do to take care of your own life?
You can make the decision that you can own your own life by living it in a way that expands you instead of contracting yourself.
Well, you can move to a country where your freedoms are still in place as I did.
You can choose to do those things that make you happy and fulfill you so long as you aren’t harming yourself or anyone else.
You can make sure that you eat real whole foods minus the pesticides, herbicides, and to your best ability non-GMO produce. Stay away from the antibiotic (for faster growth), hormones, and GMO feed that conventional livestock is full of, and spend the money for your health and mental and emotional stability livestock that were allowed to graze minus all that crap that harms you.
You can get out in the sunshine without sunblock for 20–30 minutes a day to get your vitamin D where it is supposed to come from — the sun.
You can get the activity your body needs to move correctly keep your balance, and your bones and muscles strong.
You can be living and working in environments where you feel contented and safe with the ability to live as you see fit. With happy productive people.
It’s really up to you — the attitude you take based on the information that you let into your subconscious/unconscious mind — no one else — this is up to you to control.
So, why don’t you be the ‘victor’ in your own life and do what works best for you, instead of complaining about all the foolish things that others are fearful of? Create your future the way you want it and all will be a hell of a lot healthier and more fun which is what this life is all about — living happy and fulfilling lives. It’s in your hands.