What Makes A Good Coach? This was asked in a Facebook Group & I answered it Quite Frankly Based on My Experiences Hiring Coaches
Today’s topic is based on an interaction that I have just had with another Facebook group owner. He asked the seemingly simple question:
What makes a good coach?
I stated that if I were to hire a coach, they needed to have a framework — a process that was used to reach the result. I was uninterested in anyone who was going to have me work with their subcontracted coaches as I was hiring that coach for their expertise. Lastly that there had to be a specific result that could be proven with a person who knows how the mind learns as well as how to teach.
Apparently, this particular person thought that all coaches demonstrated these abilities to which I stated flatly based on hiring several over the years, that this was not true. Not in the least. There are coaching programs out there that want people to believe that even if the coach to be is an emotional mess, and have no understanding of how to help others never having had any real training in learning how the mind works in its capacity to learn — can charge outrageous amounts of money to sit on a phone call for 45 minutes with an intention and no teaching involved. Coaches — coach — whatever the hell that means.
If you are looking to hire a coach you need to find one that has a proven track record in helping people just like you overcome their issues. You need to see that they have deeper knowledge than just a coaching certificate and that they are the one coaching you. Because, in the world of coaching, coaches don’t want to spend their one-on-one time with basic cases, they can’t make an income doing that — it is too time-consuming — so many of them will subcontract other coaches to work for them. Some of these coaches may be great — however if I am paying for a program from a certain coach it is because that coach has a successful record working with people like me and therefore I want to have access to them. It can be in a group dynamic, but it needs to be live and where they will answer the questions I may have as they come up.
If you are looking for a life coach go for someone who has a basis in understanding psychology and human development. If you are looking for a business coach, someone who helps people with the specific business concerns that you have. If you are looking for a money coach, look for someone who had a proven system and has proven that they actually know how to invest the money as safely as possible and while understanding the way the monetary system actually works. Otherwise, you are merely hiring some Law of Attraction person who hasn’t a clue in the very important aspects of how to help you to handle your money. I had a money coach years ago who knew nothing about the monetary system and I should never have hired her as she was working a full-time job and coaching to the point of exhaustion — she obviously had no idea how to create real wealth. It was an important turn in my understanding or should I say lack of understanding in how to hire a coach.
I hired another business coach and fired her shortly thereafter as there was nothing behind the principles that she was teaching — it was all mindset and nothing at all about business principles it was all smoke and mirrors. Trust me, as a hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, and trainer of both, I know more about mindset and how to set a mind than many.
So choose your coach very carefully based on what you feel you are lacking in your life and desire to receive help on.
My expertise is really about letting go of trauma which admittedly is a very broad field, yet that is the string that connects all of my cases to date. Obsessive-Compulsive behavior would be a subset while I was working with people with eating disorders and sex addictions. Yet, lately, it has been more dealing with younger people who have been traumatized and suffering from great anxiety and depression along with professionals who want to integrate hypnosis and NLP into their own practices.
Do note that practices do change over time different people being called to work with you at different times — and yet, all of my folks even those who want to learn how to integrate hypnotism and NLP into their practices have found that they had some fairly upsetting traumas that needed removal. In order to teach them how to do the work, I have to use them as a demo subject so they have to come up with certain types of issues in which to use the various techniques because there are different techniques for different types of issues.
Now, my practice is becoming more leveraged in running retreats — with my main emphasis on helping licensed Medical Doctors and Doctors of Osteopathy reclaim their practices and their lives. This was something that I have wanted to do for years, however, it is a very difficult thing to do without a licensed medical doctor as a team member for obvious reasons. My own concern came from watching these highly educated people being treated worse than abused animals in a system that cares not at all about the health of the practitioners delivering the expertise. This is truly disgusting having been raised by a self-employed dentist who went into practice specifically to never have to deal with a boss owning his own time and therefore his own life. So, I am very gratified to have Dr. Daniel Rieders be my partner to help his colleagues to stop committing suicide (1,400 MDs killed themselves in 2020) with their feeling hopeless being stuck in a system that harms them emotionally and even physically when they can’t get treatment for themselves without it counting against them in some fashion.
Medical care is not a factory and can never be a factory as each individual’s history, environment, and biological issues are different. it is what makes practicing medicine so interesting. It is not about selling medical devices, lab tests, and pharmaceuticals — it is about caring for the patient and healing them of their condition to the degree that this can be accomplished. And, frankly, many people have found that if they go outside the conventional western system, they are indeed able to heal themselves of those illnesses that they were told could only be managed.
Well, if the system is there to keep people dependent on it, it makes sense that people are not healing — not really…which is why Dr. Rieders stopped doing the fancy and very delicate heart surgeries he did for 30 years and moved into functional medicine where the cause of the medical problem is found and treated. He got into energy healing and shamanistic work as well understanding that we are energetic beings — your whole nervous system is based on electrical systems as well as your heart — (Dr. Rieders specialization inside of cardiology) as well as realizing the importance of our connection to our spiritual selves. I have found for my own clients, getting them out of their protective unconscious and bringing them to their higher conscious (their spiritual self) they are much more easily able to let go of that which is bothering them on a very deep and permanent level.
Learning: Figure out what the issue is that you want to resolve when hiring a coach. Do your research to find out if that person has the underlying knowledge base to help you out both in the subject matter as well as being able to teach you what you need to know while having a personality that is aligned with your own.
NOTE: For any Licensed Medical Doctors or Doctors of Osteopathy, Dr. Daniel Rieders and I have formed a special group for you to learn quick easy methods of healing. Please join us at:
We look forward to serving you there.