What Does it Mean to be Loving?
Love: according to Sadhguru is just a feeling that we cultivate inside ourselves, which means it is the act of being loving. So one needs to ask the question of What is being loving?
Well, I can tell you from my own experience that being loving means to be a caring and interested person in that which comes into one’s life. Sure, we can be loving toward other people, but there is a much broader manner of understanding this ‘being loving’ from Sadhguru’s perspective and that is to be loving toward all of one’s life. To realize that for every moment that we are alive and breathing, being aware of our surroundings and to luxuriate in the most simple of things — those things that allow for life to be experienced. Because, life is to be experienced — not intellectualized as has become the norm today. It is by being in love with the wonder of the world in which we live that we can be appreciative of all that comes into our lives.
When it comes to loving others, to realize that there will always be something that the other will do to irritate us — that is just the way it is. Get over it! We need to realizee that there are things that we too do to irritate those that we love — it is a part of the human condition.
Sadly, when human beings get into partnerships too often it is about a trade between them — one gets one thing and the other pays off with something else — instead of ‘falling in’ love — meaning that you fall into it — giving up a part of yourself to become a part of another for the larger impact of the relationship. This is most important for the safety and security of any children the couple may have to have all the resources — not just financial, but emotional, mental, and social that a human being needs to evolve into a competent and healthy adult.
I know when I have loving feelings toward anything or anyone because I feel it in my heart. It is especially present when I have just had an amazing interaction with one of the people that I love — luckily I have many of them in all sorts of situations from my life. When one feels loving toward another, one wants to do good things for the other — one is just felt moved to do it — without the need for anything in return — that is what ‘love’ is to my mind.
I will also let you in on a secret here in terms of keeping my loving heart — because it wasn’t always an easy thing to do given some of the circumstances that I have found myself in over the years. I left nursing school because of the anger in my instructors’ manner of interaction and didn’t want to become like them. I could not see how O could facilitate any real healing if I lost my heart in the process.
On the other side of life, I have had people that I have done a lot of really kind things for who have done incredibly sick things to me in response — and yet, what I came to realize in those cases was that this was because of the emotional issues that these people were dealing with and to not take it personally. Most of all to be thankful for recognizing what was truly occurring and leave the situation.
You see, a loving heart is one of the most important attributes that one can have. It is never about getting even with anyone for that is just allowing the anger to overcome one and that kills the loving heart. It is about realizing that there are some people who are just incapable of understanding what they received because of their own issues, which I have chosen to never take on as my own. The Kabbalists teach that the gift we can give with sort of person is to allow them to keep their issues to themselves without the need to ‘fix’ them because ultimately it is up to that person to decide if and when anything will be done to help them heal — if they even have the capacity because not everyone does, sadly.
Learning: Being loving is something that we just are — it isn’t something that we do. From the lovingness that we hold in our hearts we are moved to do kind things for others — without the need for anything in return. Being in union with another person such as in marriage is the understanding that we ‘fall’ into love by being willing to let go of some freedom and other aspects of our lives for the larger impact of what two people can do together especially when it comes to rearing children to be happy and healthy — a 20-year project according to Sadhguru — though today it seems to be more like 30 years with the expenses involved in gaining housing, etc.
***If you are a person who is interested in cultivating a loving heart — to learn how to communicate in a loving manner, I am running a 3-Day retreat “Bringing Love to Your Primary Relationship” at the lovely Villa Serena Holistic Hotel and Retreat Center which is located right on the ocean in the Dominican Republic October 2–3, 2021 — You may get more information here:
This is a beautiful place with many other services and right on sight and natural places of beauty nearby to bring a glow to your heart and soul.