Sick of Feeling Stuck?
Even though I have accomplished a lot over the past few decades, the most important of them was healing the bipolar 2 that was making my life miserable. I spent my 20s and 30s going to mental health professionals, overmedicated, and far behind my peers in so many ways. It was devastating. So, I know what it is like to be ‘labeled’ and have that label used against me by those who were yet to get their own labels (which did happen years later to many of them).
I know what it’s like to struggle with not being able to figure out what you want to do with your life — or worse to know that you have much more to contribute but can’t get out of your own way — I live it for the better part of 2 decades and it sucked!
Because I was able to heal this issue for myself, way back in 2004, realizing that there had to be a better way than to be going to multiple medical appointments and being overmedicated I found the way to my own healing.
Over these last two decades I have helped many people with all sorts of mental health labels to let them go once and for all even though the conventional mental health practitioners said that these illnesses could only be ‘managed’ and lived with for the rest of their patient’s life.
I have nearly 20 years of experience helping those with depression, anxiety, anorexia (so long as their body is at a healthy weight so I am dealing with their mental health only), bulimics, sex addicts, bipolar folks (without a history of psychosis) and many who were just overwhelmed by others hurting them without realizing what they had done to bring this on.
My philosophy of healthcare is rather simple — it is to work as quickly as the client can to let go of anything that is in the way of their being able to live their compelling future — those things that they dream of doing with their lives while letting go of anything that may be in the way including dysfunctional relationships with whoever may be causing unnecessary issues.
So, I know how painful it can be stuck and feel that you don’t have any choices.
And, I know what it’s like to be on the other side
of it. To have let go of the bipolar and to have
a life where I wake up to be able to do what I love where I want to do it, and with whom.
And, I want this kind of life for everyone! That’s why
I do the work that I do.! There is nothing more fulfilling than to be able to help people to learn from their past, live in their present, as they create their futures the way they want them.
I have dedicated my life to helping people to overcome these emotionally based problems, often based on traumas experienced throughout life. At this point I have no idea how many I have helped but it is probably over a thousand…the number doesn’t matter — however knowing that my clients have turned their lives around even 19 years or more after treatment is AMAZING! Because, many of my clients stay in touch with me — which is the best gift ever!
At this time I am running a very intimate group program with only 4 people involved to do just that — let go of the emotional traumas, and get on with living their compelling lives.
If you, or anyone you know has been struggling with
emotional traumas creating unhappiness, feelings of unfilfillment , please check out this page for the details of the course. If you or someone you know has decided that they are worth the time and monetary investment please Direct message me and we will set up a time to have a conversation to make sure it is a good fit at this time, because You are worth it.
Here is the link for the information regarding the course:
I look forward to learning more about you real soon.
The course is starting on Oct. 5th so time is running out!