Platonic Friendship: A Most Important Loving Relationship
Today I want to speak of another form of love — that of platonic friendship. A love that grows deeper and more endearing through the years. For today’s example, I want to celebrate Sam, my web man because today is his 55th birthday and he has been a wonderfully genteel gentleman friend for the entire time that I have known him — I think since 2005. We met at a networking event and he was entranced with my ability to hypnotize others, having been formally trained and in practice for about 3 years at that point. It took him a while to let me know that he had been self-taught in hypnotism for many years.
There was a point in my life about 6 years ago now on a very cold sunny day when I tripped over a mound of ice at a donation box leaving me with 3 stress fractures in my left ankle. After leaving the hospital it was Sam who drove me to the hospital for the 2 visits needed for x-rays to see how it was healing. It was an hour ride for him to get to my place and another half hour to the hospital. He made it seem as if it wasn’t a big deal, but it took a lot of his time to help me through that and other mandatory trips for things that I needed to do while I was on the crutches. Sam is a very tall and strong guy, so having him walking by me should I slip on the ice or in the snow during that February was a very big deal for me during that time. Over the years he always made sure that I got to my car safely when we were at any networking meeting and then took the subway home from there — man, I don’t know that many men who even think that way anymore.
So how does one find a really good friend like Sam is to me? I would say that one needs to be a good friend to others. It is a matter of acknowledging when someone could use a bit of help and being present to give it just because one can. If someone is having a monetary issue — help out to the degree that you can — it will come back to you later when you find yourself in a terrible financial situation. Most of us have these times. If you know that a person is sick or has lost someone close to them — be present, validate their feelings and do what you can to help and support them -not because you feel you need to — that is the time when not to do anything — rather do it because you feel ‘moved’ to be there for your friend. Because friends are friends because they are indeed there to help you through the challenging times. Anyone can be there for the fun times. Real friends are there in a supportive and loving manner when you truly need a friend.
I am never jealous of my friend’s successes, instead, I celebrate them! I am happy for them because I know what it takes to hit a hard-won goal!
Learning: One of the most powerful aspects of ‘love’ is that of a great friend. To have a great friend one needs to be one to others. Not all those who you befriend will become great friends, but enough of them will come through that you will realize that you can get through just about any challenges life throws at you because of these beautiful people who have come into your life and decided that they wanted you to be a part of their life as well.
If you are a person who finds it hard to make friends — maybe you have a lot of defense mechanisms up because of being hurt in the past. Contact me and we will have a 45-minute conversation to see what we can do to help you to heal it — because we human beings are social creatures and really do require some great friendships to feel whole and complete. You may contact me here: