Male Anorexics & Bulimics: Here is some information for you

Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
3 min readMay 22, 2022

I had a mom of a 20-year-old son call to tell me that she was frantic to find some help for her son. She said that there was a month-long wait for her son to get into any type of program to help him deal with his anorexia. However, he didn’t want to take part in that program because they were going to follow him into the bathroom. The staff does this to make sure the patient isn’t purging or cutting themselves while in there alone. However, the reality is that not only is this highly demeaning to the patient, anyone who has worked with this population knows that they will find a way to do what they want to do, period. You see, dealing with the symptoms is never going to help a person heal anything. We need to understand why the person developed this coping mechanism in the first place and then we need to understand the purpose it is still serving in the mind of the patient — that is the UNconscious mind — something that the people who run these so-called treatment centers know nothing about in reality.

One also needs to understand that these eating disorders are indeed an addiction as the behavior is based on compulsive thoughts that are looping in the patient’s mind leading to the impulsive self-harming behavior.

Lastly, emotional boundaries need to be learned and to set boundaries so that the person is able to interact with others equal to the patient's chronological age as many of these patient’s stopped their emotional growth when the eating disorder became addictive — meaning when they lost control of it.

However, there is one other really important aspect to the healing and that is a compelling future that is more important to the patient than continuing the eating disorder. Trust me that the conventional programs never even think of this, and yet, given all the emotional turmoil these patients are in, don’t you think that having something worthwhile to do once the eating disorder is in their past would significantly help the patient to not just ‘manage’ symptoms, but to actually LET GO OF THE EATING DISORDER FOREVER!

Well, I am making it my new stand to get the gentlemen who have these issues the information and help that they require since the rest of the world of mental health has chosen to believe they don’t exist! In an effort to educated folks , I just added 4 videos to my channel that have to do specifically with males with anorexia and bulimia. You can find them here:

They are all short so go to them, watch them, take in the content, and please leave a constructive comment and a thumbs up so others will be able to find them. I am going to be adding 2 videos a day on this subject so that this ignored situation can get the attention that it deserves by a professional who can actually help the males overcome this problem in the comfort of their own homes and in 6 months to year — without ever thinking about it again — proven with 17 years of success!

That’s it for this post!



Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Hypnotism is Suzanne’s profession, specializing in working with kids and those with eating disorders and sex addiction.