Is Your “Why” Big Enough?

Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
5 min readMay 31, 2021

Today I am going to speak on a question that someone else asked on their on feed: What is your “Why” for doing what you do (in business)? There are so many people who stated that their big “Why” had to do with their own families — to give them whatever it was that they thought their families required. I would have to say that if that is your big “Why” for being in business, that there are much easier ways for one to bring in income than owning one’s own business. I would also say that according to studies done on income that it really doesn’t take millions of dollars a year for a person to be able to have all the necessities and the niceties that most will be able to purchase in a year. From: CNBC May 2020:

“But more recently, a 2018 study from Purdue University used much wider data from the Gallup World Poll and found that the ideal income point for individuals is $95,000 for life satisfaction and $60,000 to $75,000 for emotional well-being. When people earned more than $105,000, their happiness levels decreased. So, then the question becomes: What makes one think that millions will make them happy? Those who have millions will tell you that in order to bring in that amount of money there are much larger expenses involved because one will have to have a much larger business with much more overhead. So, the net income is going to be proportionate to those other expenses.”

So, what is my own “Why” for doing what I do in my business? Well, it has everything to do with empowering people to have natural emotional regulation and mental acuity to create their futures the way they want it using the natural abilities of their minds, knowing that they can overcome pretty much anything that life has to throw at them.

You see, I figured out long ago that if I was able to do this for myself, and bring ‘lightness and brightness’ to others sharing the techniques that I used, each person healed would bring much more love, happiness, and productivity to their own lives and those around them. It is a simple concept for sure, and it has been the most fulfilling aspect of my life for the last 2 decades. I have studied Stewart Wilde for quite some time — I have done FB lives on his work a few times now right here on this page — scroll down to find them. He has a simple philosophy as far as money was concerned — bring cheer and grace to the world and leave the world without any left for you worked hard to earn it. He was a spiritual teacher and had much more to say about how one lives one’s life on a day-to-day basis than much at all about money. Because Stewart realized that the quality of one’s life wasn’t about that which one can purchase. It was about the attitude that one has living life with every interaction one has with themselves first and then with the people who come into one’s life — to not judge others, never give advice unless requested, be cheerful, compassionate, and helpful. He was very much into understanding nature and respecting it — looking for the negative shapes while walking in the forest, hearing the leaves under one’s foot, etc. In other words, being present.

My work is based on being present for those with whom I am employed to be able to best understand what is going on with them mainly through their unconscious understandings. From there I can help them clear all the negative emotions. limiting beliefs, and self-harming behaviors, and replace all that with that which serves their own compelling future which would equate to their own big “Why.” The principle here is that if your only focus is on your own family, your focus is way too myopic to be of any great importance — in fact, I would go as far as to say your ‘why’ is a small ‘why’ which could indeed make a person very selfish figuring that the only thing that matters is the ability to keep the family safe and taken care of. Yes, this needs to be done and it is only the beginning of any real-life to be lived. The cultures that mattered, mattered because there was an inherent understanding that the whole group needed to be cared for — not just one family. The great nations became great because of an interest in helping other nations. It was when the great nations exploited others that the great wars occurred — selfishness will always destroy! During these days of discord, identity politics, splitting between the races, and classism one’s “Why” matters more than ever. Because any really important “Why” needs to be based on bringing a sense of unity, through understanding. This is done through healing our own souls first and then working to help others to heal theirs in whatever manner is appropriate to our interests, education, and general knowledge.

I am grateful to have been surrounded by decades younger people who are studying psychology, biology, oceanography, anthropology, international relations, history, and of course communications and information tech to bring good into this world. These are idealistic souls from around the world who actually are driven to something of value with their lives. It’s about time the older generations went back to having the mindset of being humble enough to realize that we all need one another to do the best for this planet. And, to realize that it matters much more than many believe with whom you associate each and every day — so choose well. You may find yourself doing the most amazing activities with the most interesting of people on the planet. Now, there is something to live for…creating a really big “Why” in the process.

NOTE: For anyone who is feeling stuck in their jobs, stuck in their relationships, stuck in their emotional or mental wellbeing, connect with me for a free 45-minute Chaos to Clarity Conversation to see what we can do to help you clear challenges and bring yourself to a much bigger ‘WHY” for your own life. You can request a Chaos to Clarity Conversation with a general idea of what is going on with you and a few dates, times, and your time zone to set up a conversation here:

I look forward to helping you out!



Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Hypnotism is Suzanne’s profession, specializing in working with kids and those with eating disorders and sex addiction.