Is American Organic Food Really Organic?
Dr. Mercola does an amazing job of investigative reporting to help Americans understand the sad realities of anything to do with public health. The information in this article is from a reprint of an article Dr. Mercola published on August 4, 2024. Still, this information is important given the huge increase in prices on food products in the U.S.
Dr. Mercola interviewed Mark Kastel, the watchdog over the organic food industry last year. There is a lack of integrity in labeling these products, causing people to pay much more for an inferior product to what they believe they are purchasing. The main suggestion was to stay away from food labeled organic in large supermarkets and instead buy directly from the farmers.
Sadly, there are many problems with imported food with “Group certification” allowing the largest agricultural businesses to avoid proper inspection, with hazelnuts from Turkey being a prime example.
Look for 100% grass-fed and finished meat to ensure the healthiest meat product.
Here is the URL for the entire article: