How To Stay Tuned In ToYour Sacred Self
Today I am going to talk about how we bring love into our lives especially during these current times.
So often we look outside of ourselves to find love, and yet, it is from the inside that we need to cultivate it. What I mean by this is the manner in which we care for ourselves. This takes into account all the garbage that we allow into our unconscious mind through negative media, negative people, and the negative thoughts that we allow ourselves to think.
Instead, we can find ways to allow ourselves to love our minds by disallowing anything that is contrary to the health of our minds, our sense of self from being invited in.
There are a couple of techniques from Transurfing Reality that I have found to be life-changing.
Importance: So often we allow things of no or little importance to make us insane. I like to use the example of dishes in the sink. I hate dirty dishes being in the sink. There have been a few times when I have had arguments with my roommates over this situation when they knew upon moving in here that this was once behavior that would not be tolerated.
When I learned the idea of dropping importance, I made it of much less importance. So, now if the roommates leave their dishes in the sink they know that I will be cleaning them because it takes me 5 minutes or less to do that. If they don’t want me cleaning their dishes they will need to clean them after using them themselves. That is the way it goes here in the dorm. I have one roommate who likes to leave her dishes soaking and she has learned to let me know that she will get right to them after a soak and not to touch them and so far she has been good to her word.
Pendulums: Think of these as ‘group’ where there is one group that is telling you what you need to believe. These days much of what you are hearing in the press is a pendulum as they will not allow for free speech — so, what do you do? You ignore their propaganda and live your life true to who you are and your own beliefs and understandings. You never allow yourself to waste time and emotional energy arguing with people who are unable to think for themselves. Instead, you just nod and move on to another topic, or leave that person to do something else.
Learning: Till we learn to honor ourselves and our own ability to be who we are from the inside out, there will be no way to attract someone of a like mind. So, get in touch with who you are at your very essence and respect and adore that person. Once you are able to do that you will be able to naturally attract the right person into your world.
If you are looking to learn how to find love in your life, I am running a retreat in the Dominican Republic in October at the beautiful Villa Serena Holistic Hotel and Retreat Center. Find more information about it here: