How I Am Able to Travel The World
Today I want to speak about the steps that I have taken to give me the ability to travel the world.
The very first step was to overcome my illnesses — first, the bipolar which during conventional treatment kept me leashed to a psychiatrist because I was on meds during this time which she was monitoring. She also provided therapy which was great, but I knew there had to be a better way to deal with this situation and found it through the desire to find a more holistic and humanistic way to help my mental health clients. That was through the modality of neuro-linguistic programming, Time Line Therapy (R) specifically for me. I got rid of bronchial asthma in the same fashion because endless coughing is rather a drag and certainly a bother when one needs to talk to practice their profession while scaring the clients. So, that needed to go away for good.
Step 2 was making the decision that I didn’t need to have a ‘nest’ in which to live. I was actually quite bored of places fairly quickly and had the wanderlust. So, I made the decision to not be concerned about such things, finding the expenses of renting a place, having a car, etc. prohibitive to my actually being able to enjoy my life. This really started back in 2009 when I realized that I didn’t agree with much of what the US government was doing and no longer wanted to live there. I got rid of a lot of stuff not knowing if I was going to return. However, given the expense of getting residency while still having ties to the US, I returned after that trip. However, I wasn’t ready to make that move knowing that I needed to be there for my mother who had very serious mental health issues. However given her inability to respect my help, and verbally abusing me I left the East Coast and one of my other sisters stepped in. She did a much better job because I was so burnt out on it all. My mother passed away peacefully on September 9, 2017. It was a beautiful thing to have had the conversation I did with her the day before she died where she told me that she was ‘wanting to go home’ and that she had a great life with 2 wonderful marriages and enjoyed raising her 5 kids. She was letting me know that she was ready to pass on, and I told her to do whatever she needed to do as all her children were fine.
To be frank, her passing was a great relief to me just knowing that she was where she needed to be, and I no longer had to worry about her — though to be honest, she was in excellent hands at the nursing home that she called home for the last 7 years of her life.
So, at that point, I had the freedom to do what I wanted to do so far as I was concerned. So, making sure that there is no one in your life that you need to be there for was Step 2.
Step 3 was having a business that I can do online from anywhere in the world where there is a decent enough wifi connection.
Step 4 was having a very different idea of what one needs to live a full life. I am unlike the masses who feel the need for a ‘nest.’ I always got very bored in the places that I lived after a few months. I have an innate wanderlust in me that pushes me to find interesting places to experience all around the world.
Because I don’t have the expenses that many others do and have found living in the developing world much kinder to my budget — I am able to go where I want and learn about the world’s cultures.
Nowhere in this post did I state that I needed to save up a ton of money to make the trips because that was never the manner in which my travels have happened. In reality, I probably have too much stuff in the one suitcase that has been with me since leaving for what was supposed to be one year of study in Israel because it is very heavy to travel with, and yet, that is the stuff that I figure I need to be able to live in whatever climate I may find myself, even though I do prefer much warmer places minus the humidity.
I travel to places where I don’t need the injection because I never trusted it to be helpful given the very short time that it was released without 9 years more of study that is normal in these situations There are now plenty of studies proving my judgment correct as we are literally killing our youth with heart disease and older folks with huge blood clots among other very concerning adverse events.
So, one can indeed travel if they so wish, as I have been doing so all through COVID, traveling from Israel to the western coast of Mexico. I never got sick with anything other than some allergies from the new flora in the new places that I was touring. However one needs the mindset that it is safe to travel and to have what one needs to be prepared for the numerous challenges one will have on the road, especially if you are in countries where you don’t speak the language. But, even then there are always ways to communicate — google translate and sign language being two of them. And, the best part is making friends all over the world while one is learning how resilient one can be to overcome any challenges along the way.