How Does One Love One’s Self in a Healthy Manner?
Today I want to explore what I believe self-love truly is based on a message that I saw put forth that I found rather disturbing, to say the least.
I was watching a Facebook live the other day that a friend of mine was doing about raising her vibration to match that of purchasing a handbag that cost over $3,000. She was trying to make the point that she loved herself enough and therefore deserved to spend her money on this item. To be honest, though I get the point that she was making, I turned it off midstream because I was feeling sick with this manner of demonstrating self-love — purchasing a name-brand overpriced accessory. This has much to do with my own values and those values are about purchasing things of real value, not inflated, let me pretend that I am worthy of overpriced consumer crap which is the basis that American consumerism is based on.
I would have much rather have had her find any other number of ways to demonstrate self-love in terms of something of value to purchase — like perhaps the course that she purchased to indeed raise her vibration for income production — or maybe just teaching where self-love and self-worth actually come from. Trust me, there are very few things that one can purchase that will leave one feeling good a week after the item is purchased — there is plenty of science to prove this out — but I would guess you wouldn’t need science to prove it as you have most probably experienced this many times over again with those large purchases you made and a week later no longer made you feel any different about yourself.
You know how one demonstrates self-love and heightens one’s energetic vibration? Well, there are many ways to do this but I would say the most importantly is to do those things that make one feel good from the inside out — not the outside in.
What are you nourishing your body with?
How are you helping yourself to feel good or even great every day regardless of what is going on around you?
Who are you spending your time with? Are they positive, happy productive people?
What are you doing to feed that curiosity of yours to build your mental state?
How are you nourishing your soul?
Who are you spending your time with? Are they positive, happy productive people?
The decisions that we make on a daily basis on the above choices we make are going to make a hell of a lot more of an impact on how one loves oneself — because to love one’s self is to do those things that do in fact love and respect the person you are and no amount of consumer goods is ever going to make that happen for you — NEVER!
I would go so far as to say a much better way of loving oneself is to share what one has with others who are having a more difficult time be it a loving conversation with them or giving them a few bucks to help them through a hard time. One will gain so much more from these acts than pretty much anything else one can do — because by loving others, we are loving ourselves for that is the way we were designed — to give and to receive.
NOTE: If you are a person who truly is having a difficult time finding love for yourself, do contat me so we can make an appointment to have a conversation to see what we can do to help you out. Because, the most important person for us to love, would be ourselves. However, that is an inside job and often we need help to get it done well.
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