How Does One Actually Overcome Eating Disorders (Anorexia & Bulimia) FOREVER!: Are you willing to pay the price?
I am giving you this information having successfully helped many of my clients achieve this goal, some for as long as 17 years now. I would believe that if you can understand that a person has been free of the thoughts and behaviors attached to these illnesses for this long then it is solid proof that what I am telling you absolutely works. I have the testimonials from my clients which I will append to this post so you can hear in their own voices how this worked out for them vs. the in-patient and out-patient programs that they had attended before employing me to work with them. And, by the way, even though I had the tools and techniques to help my clients, they were and always are the ones who direct the treatment as they are the ones who created the problem, so it is they who have to teach me how to get rid of the problem — through their subconscious and super conscious minds!
Being a person who has ALWAYS spoken her own mind, I will tell you some truths about what it actually takes to end these two most deadly illnesses, which the conventional mental health professionals do not address because they do not know to address them.
We need to first understand that even though the binge eating or restriction of food is present — this is merely a ‘symptom’ of the larger problem. So if the treatment is based on this symptom alone nothing is going to change permanently.
There is always a ‘cause’ for any problem to show up. We call this the initial sensitizing event (ISE) in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) (actually in Time Line Therapy (R) which is a form of NLP). Until we understand what that ISE is and are able to desensitize it and every similar event along a person’s timeline up to the present, the problem will return.
There is always a ‘purpose’ as to why the problem continues which usually is tied to what we call in NLP ‘secondary gain.’ What that means is that the person is benefitting in some way which is usually UNconscious to the person — meaning the person is not consciously aware of its existence — which continues the problem being there.
Whenever we have compulsive thoughts leading to impulsive behaviors that are causing harm to the person and they still are unable to stop it — that is known in psychiatric terms as an addiction. So, binging and purging, restricting calories to the point where the body is malnourished making it incapable of functioning in a healthy manner, abusing laxatives, abusing steroids for muscle growth in males, overworking out especially on a malnourished body, cutting one’s self are all aspects of addictive behavior that the eating disordered demonstrate. So, there needs to be an effective manner in which to stop the addictive thoughts and behaviors and the 12-step program is NOT it. Twelve-step programs are based on 50-year-old technology. Twelve-step programs propagate the belief that once an addict always an addict and I told you my clients STOP their addictions — so the 12-step programs are missing some rather important foundational knowledge in how to stop addictions cold. In so doing these programs make everyday life for the addict much more complicated and difficult than it needs to be., never mind creating an ill-advised and unhealthy co-dependence on the program.
All living beings even plants need the correct nutrients to grow and thrive. This is the only aspect of the food element that I even address. I address it by stating in crystal clear terms that nutrition is not up for discussion, it is what it is if one chooses to live without the negative effects of malnutrition.
Boundaries are the manner in which we allow others to interact with us and the manner in which we interact with others. People with eating disorders have learned to be perfectionists, setting the bar way too high not only for those with whom they interact but for themselves as well. Making the decision that they had to be perfect to not rock the boat in the environment in which they found themselves was also when the underlying limited belief of being unworthy of love and anything else in life that they have not accomplished. This is because the client coded it in their unconscious minds that they were not lovable when they were very young and unable to understand another’s perspective. We spend months teaching appropriate boundaries by applying the boundaries to those situations that come up naturally during the life of the client. The end result is that the eating-disordered person owns him/herself — meaning that they have control over their emotions in a healthy manner, no longer allowing others to use and abuse them.
Because eating disordered clients are very good at competing with one another, the last thing one wants is for other eating disordered clients to be included in the healing process. It is in the conventional programs that all too many clients compete with one another in how skinny they can become regardless of the fact that this is going to kill them once they lose control of the emotional context of what they are doing. Remember this is an addictive behavior and as such loss of control over it is by definition what is occurring here. So, my programs are done one-on-one from the privacy of the client’s home over the internet. No need to travel anywhere, no need to stop working if one is working — or stop school if one is in school as the sessions work around the client’s schedule.
A compelling future that makes life fun and fulfilling age-appropriate for the client is the lynchpin of the treatment program. It is the client’s ‘compelling future’ that the client creates for him or herself that is going to be the end goal of the treatment. Everything that is done leads up to this outcome. An outcome that the client has an ‘evidence procedure’ in place to know when they have reached it, because there really is no compelling reason to go through all that one has to in a program such as this (even though I make it as fun and interesting as possible) unless there is something magnificent to have accomplished as a result of doing all the work that is necessary to get to this point.
So, you can easily see that this proven program includes many aspects that traditional programs do not. This is because I am working within the values and beliefs of the clients, while attacking the causes (reasons) and the purpose (unconscious continuance of the problem thoughts and behaviors), addressing the addictive nature of the illnesses, while teaching the emotional boundaries that are necessary for healthy relationships to develop while letting go of those relationships that are unhealthy, all in concert to allow the client to have a fun and fulfilling life based on the client’s compelling future.
There is a major investment of money required to receive treatment because it is time-intensive, especially in the beginning. However, it is much less expensive than traditional conventional treatment because there is no 24/7 hour care that needs to be provided in some brick and mortar buildings. And there is a time investment that is necessary. However, most of my eating-disordered clients have completed their programs in 6 months’ time and never look back again!
If you are interested in learning more, contact me at: com. Please write in the subject line: Interested in a free consultation regarding your treatment for (anorexia or bulimia).
***NOTE: This treatment is only good for people who are at a normal weight for their height as I do not have a medical team to work with clients. If you need a medical team, best you be in a hospital-like environment so that your physical health can be properly attended to.
Testimonials as Promised:
Here is a testimonial from a 29-year-old Anorexic who I worked with back in 2006:
Before I met Suzanne, I was living with a feeling of profound contradiction. On the outside, I tried to show myself and the world that I was basically “recovered” from eight years of various eating disorders, body dysmorphia, anxiety, and anorexia. Long and extremely expensive sessions of therapy, as well as my own improvisations, had taught me how to act in a healthy way, even when I felt completely unhealthy, confused, and messed up inside. I no longer acted out anorexia in such a visible way, but I felt like very much the same person that I’d been on the inside.
The extreme pain and stress of dealing with friends and family were somewhat relieved since they believed (and I tried to convince myself, too) that I was normal and happy again, but the stress inside was even worse than it had been throughout much of the time of more visible anorexia. I felt like two completely different people, maybe even more, were fighting within me on the inside, and I was really frustrated, hurt, and disappointed that “normal” therapy and even all my hours of journaling and desire to change had only succeeded in making me look healthy but feel worse, and I felt hurt that the cost of appearing to be healthy to myself and others was so much anger, confusion, and contradiction inside.
Then, just before school let out for the summer, I discovered one of Suzanne’s brochures. The funny thing was that it was a “Quit Smoking” brochure. I’ve never smoked in my life, but the powerful possibilities of hypnosis that Suzanne outlined there — how it worked to change not just behaviors or even just conscious, rational thinking (the two things which almost every other kind of therapy and self-help focuses on), but on the unconscious, and the powerful images, associations, and motivations that are located there.
For me, her approach made perfect sense: I understood my contradictions intellectually, and I could write an endless list of all the ways that my habitual thoughts and behaviors were getting in the way of what I truly wanted to do and be — but I didn’t feel free to change them — to change on the inside, where it really counted to me.
What amazed me was how quickly and insightfully Suzanne was able to penetrate the real difficulties I was facing despite my own embarrassment about talking openly about it.
The best thing about working with Suzanne was that it finally felt like something real. She challenged me to take new perspectives and to articulate things (about my family, my ambitions, my boyfriend, and my body) that I’d been afraid of before, but the challenge was also an immense release: for the first time I felt the possibility — and then the reality — of being someone who I really wanted to be and doing what I really wanted to do in my life, instead of just feeling trapped with an old self and old habits from which I couldn’t get free. Now, I felt those chains loosening and began to realize — in a totally shocking way — how much power I had to undo them.
She was a treasure trove of tools and techniques not only for reconciling and releasing the past but also for creating a present and building a future. This was truly lifetime therapy — for not only did I have her assurance that she would always be there, no matter what issues came up or however far into the future, but she had also revealed new sources of strength and inner wisdom, and faith in an ability to connect with other people, that I knew I could count on for the road ahead.
I felt that Suzanne was in tune and aware, that she was really listening to my goals, and that ultimately, I would be the one to imagine and decide what healing looked, smelled, and felt like. From the beginning, the focus changed from finding the ultimate cure to learning the art of self-healing, and the recognition that our own powers are always within our reach. This profound difference from traditional methods of therapy was what made Suzanne’s work effective for me and inspired me to write this testimonial because I believe that many people would not choose to be as unhappy as they are if they truly felt that they could choose not to be. And Suzanne not just tells you, but shows you, and guides you, into learning and proving to yourself that when it comes to your life, you really do get to choose.
Carolyn S., New Haven, Conn
Former binge eater still free of eating issues two years after a clinical hypnotic intervention:
Prior to working with Suzanne, I found myself binging at night, half-asleep, and unable to control my behavior. In fact, I felt that way about most of my life- as if there was a part of me that wanted to be healthy and happy, and another part that was continuously sabotaging my efforts. I had many types of therapists over the years, some of whom were reasonably helpful, but even combined they were nothing compared to Suzanne. The fact that I am no longer night -eating or overeating, and the fact that I am no longer so angry and stifled, are merely symptoms of my new reality; I’m on my way to being truly free. Suzanne was able to clear all the causes of my problems in a few weeks. I had no idea the results would be this phenomenal.
Leslie B.
April 2010 Update
About two years ago Suzanne gave me the guidance and tools heal myself (see my previous review). Today, I am still just as healthy as the day I finished my work with her. My eating issues still no longer exist and I am still very much in touch with my own ability to control my life and behavior. Unlike any other therapeutic treatment I’ve encountered, Suzanne’s method truly teaches you how to continuously understand and re-evaluate the source of your problems. As result, no matter what future troubles you may encounter in your life, the specific self-hypnosis methods you learn will always allow you to discover how you yourself need to handle your situation. My life has been permanently improved by all she has taught me. I truly can’t imagine living without it
L. B.
Life is hard for all of us. So to find the right tools to get through it in one piece and find happiness along the way is a challenge. Before I ever used hypnosis with Suzanne I had seen doctors, therapists, the best of friends, incredible mentors and [read] books, books, books all of which gave hints, small candies of hope to get over destructive eating, depression and a general refusal to be a self-loving adult — but none of their advice or treatment sunk as deeply or helped me as richly as hypnosis with Suzanne.
Her “breakthrough” process was the most in-depth look into my history that I have ever experienced. It was greater than even I thought I could accomplish. We worked for six weeks together; on each visit, she was engaged, energized, human, and almost shockingly accurate — in tune with every subtle movement in my recovery.
It was enlightening. I always left feeling blissful and fully listened to. I am definitely a believer in her technique because of my conviction in her. I am growing out of my self-destructiveness and growing into a unique, authentic, person who can accomplish the goals I set. I am deeply grateful and inspired. Do it! It will be the best thing you have EVER done for yourself and the people in your world.
Laurie G.