How do you know that you are ready to do the deep and not-so-easy work of healing emotionally based issues?
It starts with you knowing that you are miserable inside, feeling depressed and/or anxious most of the time. You don’t do much to help yourself as you eat your way through comfort food, procrastinate on all those things that you know that you need to be doing while making endless excuses about why things are the way they are…realizing that you need a facilitator to help you heal.
However, many people with whom I do free consultations have these reasons, rationalizations, and excuses for not going forward:
They are unwilling to employ a professional to help facilitate their healing. Oh, it cost too much money? What exactly is the value of actually enjoying your life, loving and appreciating those who love and appreciate you? What is the value of spending your time doing those things that you find enjoyable and fulfilling? For some, there is no value apparently because they can’t find the money to invest in their own healing processes — because you know…the kids need whatever they request more than you need to be in your own life once again — to claim what you want for your life — not in a selfish way, in a healthy and productive way, instead of being the emotional burden that you are in the frail and perhaps abusive state that you are in both to yourself and others.
There are those who can come up with endless “What if…” questions which need not be asked. The only question that needs to be asked is this? Am I in a place in my life where I am miserable dying from the inside out, to the point where I am willing to do whatever it takes to reverse it and get my life back? That is it!
Trust issues are another huge block for some — they can’t trust themselves so they can’t trust anyone to help facilitate their healing. This is especially true for those who have been harmed by other practitioners — which happens much more often than many in their profession would like to admit. Licensure is NOT a precondition of a safe and healthy environment — because a license to practice does not determine the manner in which the practitioner is practicing behind a closed door. It is only the practitioner who is nuanced and artful in the manner in which they practice that is going to be able to give a truly healing process for their patients/clients.
These are the clients that receive the best results from the work we do together in partnership:
These are not necessarily the quickest cases as some cases are much more complex than others — it is those who are excited to finally put their past in their past, live in their present, while creating their future the way they want it.
They realize that it isn’t going to be easy to do as dealing with emotionally trying issues can be difficult — many times much less difficult using hypnotism and NLP than conventional talk therapy — however, there will be those emotional times that need to be worked through for true healing to take place. They have a realistic idea of what can be done, and they also realize that we practitioners are human so will make mistakes in maybe not understanding what you say in the way you meant it, or even being off the mark as far as you are concerned. We are not robots, you know. However, a caring practitioner will do the best they can to understand your meaning in the context of what you are saying. And, more importantly, show humility when they are wrong — a great way to role model the behavior the client needs to demonstrate to those who are in their own lives, wouldn’t you say.
Accountability is the other aspect of the work because there is never going to be any real change unless the client is held accountable to do those things that need to be done — sometimes — often times it is having those difficult conversations — and it is just as true for the practitioner. I don’t like having to be direct with my clients — and yet, without being direct and allowing my clients to skate by without doing the homework necessary for their next appointment, I am doing them a great disservice. The homework depends on what comes up during the session as things that the client needs to handle to get to the next step in their healing process. Most often it is brought out during a hypnotic technique where the client’s subconscious mind gives the directive — so it comes from them, not me. I just enforce they’re getting the thing done.
Bottom Line: You have to be in a place where you are sick of being sick, or sick of being stuck to the degree that you will do whatever it takes to be well — whatever that is for you. In doing that, you will be able to accomplish those things that you have dreamed of doing all your life, but never could — never would because of the issues that brought you into the healing process in the first place feeling much lighter and brighter as you are taking the journey that is your life.