“Fake News” vs “Fake News”
Today we are going to look into the very real world of what is ‘fake news’ vs what is stated as fake news.’ I bring this up because of a conversation that was had with some very well educated and long practicing health care professionals that pointed out the fact that just because someone is in healthcare themselves and achieved high accolades for being so, can be mislead by the powers that be — and their heinous crimes against humanity.
There were only 6 of us on the call including the gentleman who set it up to study the timeless teachings from over 2,000 years ago of Marcus Aurelius. However, that agenda got somewhat derailed to a much more important for these times discussion about what we human beings understand as being ‘real’ as in factual and that which is being stated as fact when it is nothing more than an agenda for those who have the power and money to force their agenda onto others using fear as the main motivator.
The meeting began and about 5 minutes into it a gentleman who has been fighting for better healthcare in the US based on getting back to the sacred relationships that are necessary between the medical practitioner and the patient without having the insurance companies having control over the care of the patient by accepting or rejecting claims for payment.
So, happened this gentleman’s wife was a very well known and respected professor, who was looking forward to their getting their ‘injections’ when the most unexpected and terrible truth came to light — that these ‘inoculations are killing perfectly healthy people to protect them from some overstated fear-induced idea that one needs to protect oneself and this is the way it is to be done.
This gentleman’s wife died from her much-desired injection about a month ago. With her passing, he has reestablished his need to get on with protecting others from the forced and utterly unnecessary injections that are more damaging to the human being than the thing that the injection is to protect a person from developing.
So, we had a very interesting conversation about Marcus’s idea that one needs to take a stand for what one believes and stop worrying about what others may feel about you, because your job on this planet is to speak your own truth, so long as it is for the benefit of the greater good.
I would have to say that though this conversation took place between 2:30 AM and 4:00 AM Israeli time there was much to be taken from this situation not just in regard to the hysteria that is being created by those who have billions of dollars to be made (or lost once the lawsuits start coming around to hold those responsible for this very slack manner of testing substances that are directly injected into one’s body by those who were involved in the bigger scheme that is being played here — because it isn’t about the injections folks, not at all — that is a tiny piece of the whole puzzle created to take your mind off of larger issues at hand — because the reality of the human brain is that it can only focus on one thought at a time. So, if your thoughts are all centered around the ‘fake news’ that is being stated as if it were facts, instead of focusing on the editorials of those facts as the reality — meaning that it is just a person’s or a government’s, or a company’s twist on the facts to push the current agenda — when you understand that, then perhaps you can more critically assess what is indeed the ‘fake news’ and that which is the ‘facts.’
It is time to awaken yourself to the manner in which you have been placed into a highly suggestible state by having your emotions played with by that which you see in the media — which by the way is the agenda of the politicians, which is truly the agenda of those who hold the money — which would be the corporations as they hold the financing for the political election system…chase it back and you will better be able to help you and your family to make much better decisions based on facts instead of falsehoods…but only if you are willing to understand how your mind is being played.