C-Suite Execs: Are You Still Employed?

Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
4 min readSep 30, 2021

Even though I have just got the grade on my last paper for my 2nd master’s even though I barely graduated from high school and have been lucky enough to travel the world on several of occasions I have also had to overcome many challenges along the way.

I had a conversation with one of my clients today about how I underwent 6 weeks of proton therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital to treat a non-cancerous brain tumor all the while seeing my clients. And, I even visualized that sucker away.

She noted that I was a very strong person to be able to do that — however, that wasn’t the point of my sharing this story with her. My point was to get her to understand the amazing inborn ability that our minds have when we know how to use them in the way they were made to be used. This was because she had spent 45-minutes telling me how angry she was with her now ex-partner and his family and then going on to saying that she was a bipolar and had ADD making that her excuse for why she was having all these problems. I reminded her that once upon I time, I lost 14 years of my life to bipolar 2, and with the help of my NLP trainer was able to let that go forever since 2004 — my moods have been stable ever since regardless of what happened to me including my divorce after 20+ years of marriage and the now disappeared brain tumor.

I reminded her that people employ me to de-label themselves by no longer having the symptoms that earned them the diagnoses given.

I told her that she was not her diagnoses, and if she so chose, she too could get rid of her bipolar 2 as I did back in 2004 by deciding to act differently — to be present while interacting with people as she is doing so many things around her house as we are in session. It was the best time to let her know that it was a very distracting thing to do and very rude to the person she was with — she was paying for my time — however, friends don’t want to be ignored or feel that she doesn’t have the time and space to really ‘be where she is at while she is there with them.’ She actually agreed with what I was saying. She still had to be reminded to give me the eye contact because this is something that she will need to work on — breaking the habit of the way she is to being present for those who are present for her.

I asked her who she would be if she was her best self no longer demonstrating the thoughts and behaviors of one with the diagnoses that she was given?

She said that she would be able to ‘act’ instead of ‘reacting.’ She would also be getting her music out there in a really big way and get a grammy for her and her songwriter who just passed away from breast cancer. This is indeed what we call her ‘compelling future.’ The most important reason for her to overcome her challenges.

So, I know what it’s like to struggle with some very difficult challenges and more importantly have helped over a thousand people to overcome their own negative emotions and limited beliefs over last 20 years.

Your need to understand that your mind is indeed the most powerful thing you have to help you overcome just about anything once you know how to use it in the manner in which it was created. The problem is that most people have no clue in how to do that never having been taught.

Given the terrible situation with the economy I know that there are many people who had jobs in the C-Suite who struggling today because maybe you were let go and now are fearful of how you are going to be able to pay for your kid’s college education, or worse feel that you can’t move forward because of having doubts that you could figure out a way forward that will meet your economic needs.

Starting on October 5, 2021 — so in a few days time, I am running a LIVE online 12-week program doing just that for you with only 3 other C-suite executives who totally understand your situation because they are in the same situation.

However, to be in this program you need to show up for every session, because that is where the clearings are being done. You also need to show up for every session because that is where all your questions and concerns are going to be addressed directly by me. By the end of the 12-weeks you are going to feel ‘lighter and brighter’ having let go of so much emotional garbage and have a plan of action — even having implemented some of it knowing that you are no longer stuck without any choices — knowing that you are going to be just fine — so long as you take action on everything that is being given to you to do as I cannot do it for you.

If this sounds like something that you would like to check out — or know someone who is in this situation you can access more detailed information on “Live Into Your Compelling Future: Learn how to use your subconscious mind to let go of your upsetting past, live in your present, while you create the future You Want”

For more detailed information on the program: https://dawningvisions.com/events

I look forward to hearing from you — having a conversation to make sure that this is a good fit for you at this time. You can direct message me here and we can set up a time for a phone call to get all your questions answered and see if this is a great fit for you at this time.



Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Hypnotism is Suzanne’s profession, specializing in working with kids and those with eating disorders and sex addiction.